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TO:  All Airport Employees

FROM:  Eric McClung, Parking Operations & Ground Transportation Services       

DATE: June 8, 2018           

 SUBJECT: Additional Information and exception for new Trial Employee Shuttle Annex / Terminal route

Beginning Monday, June 4, 2018, GOAA is providing a trial Annex – Terminal bus route for employees. Only operating Monday through Friday in correlation with the business hours of the Annex 7:30am to 5:00pm. This route will depart the terminal at 7:30 a.m., with departures in 20 minute increments (next departure at 7:50 a.m., 8:10 a.m., etc.). Departures from the Annex will also be in 20-minute increments, with a first departure at 7:40 a.m. The last departure from the Annex will be at 5:00pm and the last departure from the Terminal will be at 5:10pm. Please note the times are approximate and depend on wait times at Check Point Charlie.

To access the Shuttle to the Annex Building, please use the elevators located under Chili’s restaurant, by the west checkpoint near Macaroni Grill, The Shuttle pick-up/drop off is located on Level 1. Exit elevator to the right proceed to exit doors and the stop will be at the curb straight ahead. Signs are in the process of being installed.

As a result, of going thru Checkpoint Charlie ALL riders will need to have their current and valid Airport ID badge on their person when boarding the bus (See exception below). If you do not have a current and valid Airport ID badge, you will be unable to ride the bus!

Exception: If a new employee has go to the Annex for the purpose of badging then they must present a government issued photo ID to the driver.  They will be allowed to board the bus AT THE TERMINAL to go to the Annex for the purpose of badging. If for some reason they cannot get their badge they WILL NOT be allowed to re-board the bus to return to the Terminal. Return transportation to the terminal will be the employee’s responsibility.

If a NON-BADGED person gets on the bus at the Annex then they must be escorted by an employee who has escort privileges.

Additionally, this means that the Employee Lot buses will no longer stop at the Annex and will only run between the Employee Lot and the Terminal.

Finally, this service is for Employees conducting business at the Annex during scheduled hours of business. This is NOT authorization for any Employee to park their vehicle at the GOAA Annex if they are not conducting business there. Any unauthorized parking at the GOAA Annex will be subject to ticketing, fines, and towing.

he A- and B-sides of the terminal. The dock is located on Level 1; follow signs for Annex Shuttle.

Additionally, this means that the Employee Lot buses will no longer stop at the Annex and will only run between the Employee Lot and the Terminal.

Finally, this service is for Employees conducting business at the Annex during scheduled hours of business. This is NOT authorization for any Employee to park their vehicle at the GOAA Annex if they are not conducting business there. Any unauthorized parking at the GOAA Annex will be subject to ticketing, fines, and towing.