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As passenger traffic trends upward at Orlando International Airport (MCO), the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) is taking steps to further enhance the safety of travelers and airport employees. At the June 17, 2020 Board Meeting, the GOAA Board approved a new policy requiring all 22,000 badged airport employees to wear facial coverings inside airport public areas.

The Authority’s mission statement and strategic plan emphasize the importance of providing safe and secure facilities. With airlines beginning to adjust their schedules, Orlando International is expecting to welcome an increasing number of passengers to these facilities. The new policy establishes the responsibility of those employed at the landside and airside terminals and associated infrastructures to comply with recommended safety measures.

Badged personnel shall maintain social distancing, as directed by the Centers for Disease Control, wherever practicable, and shall utilize facial coverings to deter the spread of the coronavirus or similar infections, whenever practicable, based on their job functions at the Orlando International Airport. Personnel may temporarily remove facial coverings to facilitate identification of the person or as otherwise required.

Facial coverings can either be medical masks, industrial masks, homemade masks, or facial coverings made of cloth as long as the facial covering securely covers the mouth and nose and does not depict offensive messages or images.

The policy applies to all employees who have been issued a security badge by the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority and will be in effect for a time period directed by the Chief Executive Officer.