MCO Connections
Welcome to, brought to you by the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority’s Customer Experience Department. We hope that this will be your one stop shop for everything an airport employee may need. In addition to employee resources, employment opportunities and employee discounts, you will also find the latest happenings in our community here on our MCO Connections page. Things are always changing, so check back often!
Catholic Mass at MCO
This is an update to inform airport employees that Catholic mass will now be held every Sunday at 8:15 am and 12:00 pm in the Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport. The service is 25 minutes in length. The interfaith chapel just beyond the west check point and...

Flipping for a Cause 2019

5K Run for the Angels at ORL
FAA to Host Public Workshops on Changes to Orlando Flight Paths – April 15-18, 2019
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will host public workshops in mid-April in various locations around Greater Orlando to share information and gather input from residents on proposed improvements to air traffic procedures for Orlando International Airport and...
Employee Parking Shuttle Survey Results
Please follow this link for the results of the Employee Survey on the Employee Parking Lot (EPL) Shuttle operation from February 2019. Employee Survey EPL Feb 2019 Thanks you to the over 1,500 Employees that responded! Your feedback is appreciated, and we look to...

SunRail Updates for MCO Employees
MCO Employee Parking Survey
In response to several comments received by you, our Airport Community, we are gauging your interest in our Employee Bus experience. Please fill out the linked survey and give us your thoughts! We will gather all of your feedback, which will help us in our...
Ongoing Support for MCO’s Federal Employees
As the government shutdown continues, the airport has received many inquiries from across the airport community wanting to help MCO's furloughed federal employees. Here are ways you can help: Donate a $10 gift card for a gas station or grocery store. The value should...
Federal Employee Food Drive
The current government shutdown is causing hardship for many federal employees working at MCO. In an effort to support these employees, the Airline Management Council has put together a food drive for our federal employees. Donations may be dropped off at the Frontier...
Temporary EPL Terminal Stop Move
The Employee Terminal Bus Stop will be temporarily moving! Effective December 22nd, from 1500-0400, the Terminal pickup point will temporarily move from the A-Commercial Lane to the Loading Dock area. Recently, with the passenger loads, we have seen increased traffic...